[PN029] Kyou1110 As ・1110.λ – Awabi EP

Friday, March 16, 2012
Genre: Breakcore
Released: March 16, 2012.
As you know, Psycho Numberz is up to many genres, and so for "S.O.X. Part 2", "Fly Higher Remix EP" and "The Japanese Remixes EP", Kyou1110 has released 3 breakcore tracks!

Because I'm very interested in his tracks, I have asked him to make an EP for my label. At first he needed to think about it, but finally he made one!

1. Le Festin d'Esope
2. アーメンティティ
3. OurBattleDeMaterialisationManaunaun

- Get glitched and break yourself by downloading his EP right here!

[PN030] Scorpyd - Motherfucker From The Heart

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Genre: Hardcore, Gabber
Released: March 15, 2012
Artwork credits go to Scorpyd
The 30th release on the label is untitled "Motherfucker From The Heart", a brand new Mainstream Hardcore and Gabber (genre) EP produced by Scorpyd on early 2012 for Psycho Numberz.

The main themes include loneliness, madness and antisocial behaviours.The tracks even feature some screaming vocals and the second of them, "Motherfucker From The Heart", should have been the main hit on this EP.

1. Scorpyd - Nemesis
2. Scorpyd - Motherfucker From The Heart

- Just dare and enter his world of madness by downloading his brand new EP here!